Products >> Sensors, transmitters

Sensor and transmitter products often, but not always, simplify the measurement or detection of physical processes and phenomena by converting them into electrical signals in some format. ‌ sensor is a device that can sense and measure external information and convert it into a readable or processed signal ‌, products can be used for the measurement of color, liquid level or flow, gas concentration, image detection, magnetic field, linear acceleration or rotation, vibration, light intensity, object presence, distance, temperature, mechanical strain, etc. The sensor can feel the specified measured, and according to a certain law into the available signal output, usually composed of sensitive components and conversion components, with miniaturization, digital, intelligent and other characteristics. A wide variety of sensors, including temperature sensors, pressure sensors, photoelectric sensors, etc., are widely used in medical, environmental monitoring, industrial automation and other fields. For example, temperature sensors can be used for weather monitoring and home appliance control, and photoelectric sensors are often used for automatic doors and security monitoring. As a device that can sense and measure external information, sensor has a wide range of application scenarios in many fields, such as consumer electronics, industrial control, aerospace ‌, automotive electronics ‌ and so on

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